Cherished Page 3
His head fell between my legs and he suckled mercilessly on that tiny hardened bud. The coolness of his tongue wiped away every ounce of heat that had flooded my pussy and I groaned in ecstasy. The pleasure was mind blowing as he continued to suckle, then used that delightful tongue to spear inside me, making me come almost instantaneously.
I was caught so off-guard when my orgasm wracked my body that all I could do was sob helplessly. Had he asked to taste me that way I would have been embarrassed and probably refused, but now I knew how good it felt to be pleasured that way I couldn’t imagine not wanting that every day for the rest of my life!
My hands tangled in his thick black hair of their own accord, pressing him against me, not wanting the sensation to ever end. My hips pushed against his face, not caring that my actions were brazen, the feeling was amazing and I wanted even more. When he pulled his head back, I had to force myself to release the hold I had.
His beautiful face glistened with my release, and then I felt the embarrassment set in. “Don’t.” His warning was stern as if he knew what I was thinking. “You were such a good girl for letting me shave you then eat your pussy, don’t you dare feel bad about it now. You pleased me very much.”
How could I argue with him, and why would I want to? Luca obviously enjoyed doing that to me, and I sure as hell couldn’t say I didn’t. Even though I was still blushing, I smiled. “Much better. Now let’s clean you up, not that I didn’t do a pretty good job already.” He winked and helped me off the counter, before walking over to the tub and turning on that faucet.
“I want you to take a hot bath and soak. Jackson, my driver, will be up soon with your clothes, and he doesn’t get the privilege of seeing you naked.” He tested the temperature of the water by placing his wrist underneath it, then beckoned me forward with his hand.
Stepping into the bath, I marveled at this man who seemed to have no other agenda other than my comfort or pleasure. Oddly enough I wasn’t as concerned about my nudity like I’d been earlier, my focus was completely on him, and wondering what he’d do next. Sliding down into the heated water, my eyes never left his face.
Luca walked over to the cabinet, coming back with a washcloth and kneeling by the side of the tub. “I’m going to take care of you until he arrives, then I’ll need you to fend for yourself.” Placing down the cloth, he lifted a cup. “Hold your head back and close your eyes.”
I complied and felt the heated water flow over my head, and sighed in pleasure. The warmth felt wonderful but it didn’t compare to the feeling of his hands massaging shampoo into my shoulder length locks. I bit back a moan as his magical fingers relaxed me with his ministrations, and almost whimpered when the rush of water rinsed away the suds.
Without sight, the first touch of the rag washing my face startled me, but I soon relaxed as he gently cared for me. I don’t know what I expected from him after that passionate introduction to oral sex, but this was another form of nirvana. I opened my eyes and found him smiling warmly as he lathered up the cloth, lifted my arm and bathed me carefully. Never in my life had I felt more cherished than in that moment.
He was meticulous in his grooming, and I enjoyed the soothing rhythm of his hands over my back, down my arms, collarbone, then he found my breasts. Instantly my body responded, my nipple puckering as the roughness of the cloth circled the areola. He moved to the other, showing it the same loving consideration and they felt heavy.
“I love how responsive you are to me. Kneel up.” His words, like his hands were their own form of aphrodisiac, and I didn’t think – just followed his gentle command. Pushing against my inner thighs, he widened my stance, the cloth running over my upper thigh then behind to graze the twin moons, down the other thigh.
Even that innocent motion made my sex tingle, and my mind was drawn to the ache that began to build again there. He lathered the rag again, guiding it between my legs and I nearly lost my balance at the rush of pleasure that fulfilled me when he finally washed me there. His face showed concentration while all I could feel was building desire.
He knew just how to touch me, wrapping that rough cloth over a finger then grazing my clit, before sliding slightly inside, and retreating again. After several teasing movements like that, his hand pulled away and a cry of disappointment left my lips, unbidden. Lathering again, he brought the rag between my ass cheeks, spreading as he washed that other orifice, making me tense.
“Pleasure can be found this way, as well.” As he rimmed that tiny entrance with the rag, I felt nervous as his meaning hit home. I couldn’t see anything remotely pleasing about that scenario and my breath expelled on a relieved sigh, when his hand fell.
“Jackson is here. Finish up your bath, and I’ll be back to dry you off.” He stood, wiped his hand on a towel and left me sitting there longing.
My pussy throbbed as he walked away, and it was confusing to feel that type of need. Sex was something that disgusted me. So I didn’t do self-pleasure, or even allow myself to think about it because all I’d ever known before today was pain in the act. Nothing Luca had done had been painful in the least. The truth was I wanted to see what else he could make me feel. My hand lowered to my sex, and I touched myself briefly, before pulling back in disgust.
He had made me aware of my body, and I wasn’t sure it was a revelation I truly wanted. Standing up, I quickly finished my bath, not wanting to think about the ache still between my thighs. Like a reminder, the memories of my past flooded through my mind, and I sat down in the water, wrapping my arms around my knees trying to push those thoughts away.
That thing, he didn’t deserve to be called a man, had snuck into my bedroom every night my mother worked late. I’d awakened with his fingers touching me inappropriately and him pulling away as if nothing in his act of depravity was wrong. I tried to tell myself it was just a nightmare, but why would I tie things from my door handle to the post of the bed, if it was just a horrible dream?
The thing treated me like a princess during the day, buying me what my teenage heart desired, and showering me with gifts and praise, making me wonder if I was sane to think he could be the same monster that did those horrible things to me at night. I played along, my mother clueless to what was happening in her own house because she was happy for the first time in her life.
I could have ended the abuse I was subjected to, if only I’d said something. She loved the monster, and her life before him had been pretty fucked up, so I couldn’t take away her joy. I blamed her subconsciously for not seeing the truth. I kept the dirty little secret that her husband was hurting me, but I struck out at her in other ways, running away from home, knowing she’d suffer because I’d left.
Even when she found me and dragged me back to that beautiful prison, I refused to speak up. To say what he did made it reality, and I wanted to hide the dirty truth. How would people look at me if they knew what the monster did in the privacy of our home? At fifteen appearances were everything, and my friends knowing that the monster was defiling me was something I would never live down.
Tears slid down my cheeks as the water cooled, the memories of those horrible years haunting me. When my mother found nude pictures of me in his room, the nightmare finally ended, but I was already so screwed up by that time I doubted anything would ever heal me. That’s how Luca found me. Sobbing, lost in my world of grief, and for the first time in my life I felt like I didn’t have to hide what I was feeling.
He lifted me from the tub, soaking wet, holding me like a child as I cried for the childhood that had been stolen away. Lowering to the floor, those arms didn’t let go as I sat in his lap, shivering and broken, finally giving in to the desperation that had been my constant companion for the last seven years.
chapter three
His hand caressed my hair as the sobs turned into tiny hiccups, and I clung to him tightly. Somehow with him holding me, I knew that everything would be fine. I hadn’t felt that type of security in so long that the thought of le
tting go terrified me. I was so busy trying to appease everyone else in my life that I’d never allowed the pain of what I suffered to be grieved over. Luca didn’t need me to be strong for him.
“Your clothes are all wet.” It was a stupid thing to say after I’d bared my soul to him, but I wasn’t sure if there were any right words.
“I think I’ll survive. I’m sorry for leaving you that way.” His hand cupped my chin, lifting my face before placing a tender kiss on my forehead. “He can’t hurt you anymore.” Pressing my face into the crook of his shoulder, his arms tightened in a protective cocoon.
He knew my dirty little secret. Over our last year of conversation he’d pulled it from me. Sitting here in his arms, I believed that he was right. No matter how he snuck into my dreams, or thoughts when I allowed him in, that monster was in my past. “I know, it’s just hard to forget the things he did.”
“You will never forget, but you can learn to deal with those memories in a healthy way. Can you trust me enough to let me help you?” His hand lifted my chin again, searching my eyes deeply.
I nodded before remembering he wanted me to speak. “I think so.” I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life living in the fears of what the monster had done. I knew it was destroying my chance at a future, but on my own I doubted I’d ever fight off my demons.
“That’s a start.” He brushed his lips against mine briefly, then lifted me from his lap. “I need to change, and as sexy as I find you without clothes, I want to take you downstairs and show you the library.”
He stood, and retrieved a towel from the rack, and started drying me off. Just as his touch had done earlier, I was left longing by the time he finally finished. He tossed the thing in the bin, then without any warning, started stripping off his clothes.
There was no shame in his actions as he revealed each perfect inch of his flesh. Broad chest, devoid of hair, powerful arms that showed he enjoyed working out, six-pack abs that you just wanted to trace fell into muscled thighs and long legs. The man was gorgeous. He smirked slightly as he slid off his boxers and I took a deep breath in. There was definitely no shame needed in that department, either, because he was well endowed, perhaps too much so. I averted my eyes quickly. I thought of us together and worried about his size.
He chuckled and reached for my hand, leading me out of the bathroom and down the hall to his bedroom. “When you ask me to fuck you, I promise you won’t be worrying about anything but how good I’ll make you feel.”
There was definitely no lack of confidence there, and then his words caught me off guard. “You expect me to ask?” Something about him waiting for an invitation confused me. He was supposed to be a dominant male, why wouldn’t he just take what he wanted? Maybe he didn’t want me?
“No, I expect you to beg. When you’re ready for me, that’s how I’ll know.” He wasn’t looking at me, instead he pulled a pair of boxers from a chest and quickly slid them on, leaving me to take in what he’d said.
I couldn’t see myself ever asking a man for that, not even Luca. Yes, he turned me on more than I ever imagined possible, but asking? Wait. No, begging? He’d be waiting a mighty long time. The thought was funny to me and I laughed before biting it back.
He turned to me with a gleam in his eyes that nearly took my breath away. The smirk firmly in place, he quickly pulled a pair of jeans out of his closet, sliding them on before walking back over to me. “You find that amusing, do you?”
“No.” There was so much heat in his eyes. I didn’t want to admit it, but I wasn’t a good liar. “Okay, yes, but…” I paused when he stalked forward looking at me with such confidence that I felt overpowered almost.
“On the bed, face down kneel.” The command in his voice forced the muscles in my abdomen to clench, and I froze. “Have you forgotten the position?” His facial expression was stern, and for a brief moment, I was afraid.
“No, it’s just…” Again, I paused, the adrenaline pumping through my body left me shaking.
“Then do as I’ve asked.” There was nothing written on his face that said he’d accept anything less, so like the coward I was, I climbed onto the bed, kneeling with my thighs parted wide, resting my cheek to the side on the bed, with my arms stretched taught above me. “Beautiful.”
His large hand massaged my ass cheek, and I tensed, worried I’d displeased him and that he would take retribution. “You will beg me, Gina.” His fingers slid over the soft folds of my pussy, and instantly my core flooded. I believed him as he rubbed me just the right way, making me long for more than just his fingers. When one single digit slid inside, he rode me with unhurried temptation, and I knew his request might be coming even sooner than he thought.
How was it possible to feel so much with just a touch of his hand? Pressing my hips back, I longed for more. That’s when that finger slid from my core and pressed against my other entry. “You’ll also beg me to fuck you here.” With my wetness still covering that digit, it easily slid in deep, and I gasped at the sensation.
His thumb tweaked my clit, and his finger fucked my ass, and it felt incredible. It frightened me to discover he was right, there was pleasure in being touched there, too. There was no doubt then that I would beg him to do all the things I’d thought were disgusting only a day ago. I whimpered as he pulled away, wanting much more, and confused as hell by my desire.
“I’m going to get cleaned up, sweet girl. Get dressed and meet me in the living room.” He left me there longing in need, and I quickly sat up, squeezing my thighs together to fight off the feeling. I was frustrated, and a little angry as I got dressed. I didn’t doubt for a minute he knew how he made me feel, so why didn’t he finish?
Stomping into the living room, I knew my frustration showed on my face. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and now with clothes on I felt a lot braver. “That wasn’t really nice.” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.
He threw back his head and chuckled deeply, making me even angrier at him. “Why exactly are you upset with me?” When his laughter died down he still had that confident smirk on his face which annoyed me because I was still turned on.
“You know why.” My breath escaped on a harsh sigh, and I turned my eyes from his, embarrassed he was taking this so lightly.
“Of course I do, but I want you to tell me, anyway.”
Rolling my eyes at his ego, I met his again. “You can’t just touch me that way then leave me wanting more.” It wasn’t fair and he knew it.
He seemed to be having trouble holding back a smile, and it really angered me that he wasn’t taking this seriously. “So, you think it was cruel for me to get you wet and then not let you have an orgasm, is that what you’re saying?”
It really made me feel like a whore when he put it that way, which pissed me of even more. “Forget it. Just show me the damn library.” Now I was frustrated and angry, a combination that made feel completely vulnerable, more so than when I’d been naked and spread open for him.
“Take off your pants.” There was no humor in his face now, and the command was uttered in the deepest tone I’d ever heard him use. It instantly made me nervous.
If he thought to pleasure me now, he was truly mistaken because I didn’t want that satisfaction any longer, my feelings were hurt. “I said never mind.”
“I wasn’t asking your permission. Remove them or I’ll do it for you and you won’t really like the consequences of that.”
He was not happy. I fumbled for the button on my jeans and slid down the zipper, not thinking as I did exactly what he demanded. Kicking off my flats, I slid my jeans down my legs, stepping out of them, not sure why I did it. “Fine, are you happy now?” This was a side of myself I rarely let show, because pleasing other people was truly my nature.
He didn’t answer, simply walked over to the leather couch, sat down and patted the spot beside him. Begrudgingly, I walked over and rested my ass where he’d instructed. My arms crossed over my chest, and glaring I waited for h
im to speak.
“I’d hoped that we could enjoy this weekend exploring all the pleasurable aspects of this, but you are sorely in need of some manners. I want you to understand that what I’m about to do is not to hurt you, but to teach you what I expect.”
What he was about to do? My heart raced painfully as his tone calmed, and he patiently spoke. “Are you angry with me?” I instantly regretted mouthing off about my disappointment, and wished I’d just kept my thoughts to myself.
“I’m not angry, Gina. If I were, you’d be bound to my bed and waiting for me to cool off. What I am is disappointed. There is always a reason behind any action I take with you. In time you will learn to accept that and trust that I know what you need. Patience is something I can see we need to work on, but first we need to take care of your attitude.”
He patted his lap, and my eyes feel to it then met his again. “I want you to rest over it.” I understood then what his intentions were and for a moment I panicked.
“I’m sorry, Luca.” Whether I really was or not, I wasn’t sure, but the thought of him spanking me really did something to subconscious that I wasn’t sure I was ready for.
“I truly hope you are. Now stop stalling.” He patted his lap again, and I knew I could either give in to him, or tell him I wanted to leave. The latter wasn’t something I wanted to consider. It was just a spanking. How bad could it be?
Letting out a sigh, I crawled over his lap, with my ass covered only by thin panties. Even that barrier seemed to offend him because with little care he pulled them down until they rested just above my knees. That strong hand of his kneaded my ass, and it felt surprisingly good even knowing he was about to strike me.